Blogger Buzz: Sweet ‘n Sassy Girls

I met Trisha from Sweet ‘n Sassy Girls through MomDot. And now she and I work on PlayDate Picks together, along with 5 other fabulous mom-bloggers. So, let’s take a closer look at her site!

1. What’s your blog about?
My blog is all about moms, or things moms would be interested in. I like to do giveaways, product reviews, and basically just blog about anything.

2. Do you own any other blogs?
I have Cutie Covers, my boutique blog where I sell nursing covers and baby leg warmers. Then I also have one for family and friends to show off pictures of my daughter.

(I love your leg warmers! So sassy!)

3. Favorite post from your blog?
My favorite is my tutorial of how to make a tutu dress.

(I love that post! I really want to try it one day. And I am positive I buzzed about your tutorial at Ohana Mama!)

4. What’s one piece advice you’d give the bloggers who read this?
Don’t be afraid to try new things. The worst thing that can happen is it doesn’t work out, but hey, maybe you find something you are good at!

5. What’s a must-read blog – besides your own! I am there all day long, and always checking the forum. There are so many wonderful people on there, and that’s where I’ve gained most of my “bloggy friends.”

So now you know! You can find Trisha at Cutie Covers, Sweet ‘n Sassy Girls, MomDot and PlayDate Picks! You can also follow her updates and tweets on Twitter:


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